How do I reset pacman mirrorlist to default?

I’m trying to use sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack && sudo pacman -Syyu to get the fastest mirror in my country (Brazil) but I can’t go on more than 40 kbps, so I tried to get go back to default because it was working fine for me, but I’m getting a error, I’m following the instructions from Manjaro Wiki - Pacman-mirrors when I try to run sudo pacman-mirrors --country all --api --protocol all -set-branch stable && sudo pacman -Syyu it says:

sudo pacman-mirrors --country all --api --protocol all -set-branch stable && sudo pacman -Syyu
Version 4.23.1
 pacman-mirrors [-h] [-f [NUMBER]] [-i [-d]] [-m METHOD] [--status]
		[-c COUNTRY [COUNTRY...] | [--geoip] | [--continent]]
		[-l] [-lc] [-q] [-t SECONDS] [-v] [-n]
		[--api] [-S/-B BRANCH] [-p PREFIX]
			[-P PROTO [PROTO...]] [-R] [-U URL]
pacman-mirrors: error: argument -s/--no-status: ignored explicit argument 'et-branch'

It’s --set-branch, you missed a dash out.

sudo pacman-mirrors --country all --api --protocols all --set-branch stable && sudo pacman -Syyu

Hi @denielt,

That’s because you’ve got an error in the command. This :point_down:

Should actually be

sudo pacman-mirrors --country all --api --protocol all --set-branch stable && sudo pacman -Syyu

I think.


Thank you for your answer, can you tell me how do I get all the mirrors from my country? When I try sudo pacman-mirrors -c Brazil I only get one mirror:

sudo pacman-mirrors -c Brazil                          ✔  1m 6s  
::INFO Downloading mirrors from Manjaro
::INFO => Mirror pool:
::INFO => Mirror status:
::INFO User generated mirror list
::INFO Custom mirror file saved: /var/lib/pacman-mirrors/custom-mirrors.json
::INFO Using custom mirror file
::INFO Querying mirrors - This may take some time
  1.462 Brazil         :
::INFO Writing mirror list
::Brazil          :$repo/$arch
::INFO Mirror list generated and saved to: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
::INFO To reset custom mirrorlist 'sudo pacman-mirrors -id'
::INFO To remove custom config run  'sudo pacman-mirrors -c all'

I use sudo pacman-mirrors --geoip to get all the mirrors from my country (UK).

From, there appears to be only one Brazil mirror, you might want to use sudo pacman-mirrors --continent instead, this should query all mirrors in South America.


This :point_up:

Brazil only has one mirror, it seems:

If you want globally, you should not limit pacman-mirrors to Brazil with the -c flag. Instead, use the one we supplied you.


Great! Thank you for your answer.

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