How do I give permissions in fstab

so i mounted two ntfs drives in fstab so that the drives will mount on startup.

here is how they are mounted in fstab:

UUID=60F2C5BDF2C597A4 /run/media/razzancar/Storage1 ntfs defaults 0 0
UUID=70BA42DBBA429E0A /run/media/razzancar/Storage ntfs defaults 0 0

the reason i have these mounted on startup and that they are ntfs drives is because i have a dual windows and manjaro system, these drives store all my games that i use between both os systems (as not all games i play work on linux), but when i try to run any game on steam it seems proton tries to run the game and fails.

konsole message when i try to run a game on steam:

wineserver: /run/media/razzancar/Storage1/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/1245620/pfx is not owned by you 
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1. 
wine: '/run/media/razzancar/Storage1/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/1245620/pfx' is not owned by you 
Adding process 32971 for gameID 1245620 
Adding process 32972 for gameID 1245620 
Game Recording - game stopped [gameid=1245620] 
Removing process 32972 for gameID 1245620 
Removing process 32971 for gameID 1245620 
Removing process 32970 for gameID 1245620 
Removing process 32848 for gameID 1245620 
Removing process 32847 for gameID 1245620 
Removing process 32846 for gameID 1245620 
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1. 
wine: '/run/media/razzancar/Storage1/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/1245620/pfx' is not owned by you 
chdir "/run/media/razzancar/Storage1/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/ELDEN RING/Game" 
ERROR: object '/home/razzancar/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. 
ERROR: object '/home/razzancar/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. 
ERROR: object '/home/razzancar/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored. 
ERROR: object '/home/razzancar/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. 
ERROR: object '/home/razzancar/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. 
Game Recording - would start recording game 1245620, but recording for this game is disabled 
Adding process 33135 for gameID 1245620 
Adding process 33136 for gameID 1245620 
Adding process 33137 for gameID 1245620 
Adding process 33257 for gameID 1245620 
wineserver: /run/media/razzancar/Storage1/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/1245620/pfx is not owned by you 
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1. 
wine: '/run/media/razzancar/Storage1/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/1245620/pfx' is not owned by you 
Adding process 33258 for gameID 1245620 
Adding process 33259 for gameID 1245620 
Game Recording - game stopped [gameid=1245620] 
Removing process 33259 for gameID 1245620 
Removing process 33258 for gameID 1245620 
Removing process 33257 for gameID 1245620 
Removing process 33137 for gameID 1245620

i think it has to do with the way i mounted the drives in fstab but i don’t know a different way to mount in fstab, if someone can help i would very much appreciate it, i dont want to damage these drives.

Mod Note: Edited for correct formatting. :wink:

Mod edit:- Corrected topic Title (spelling and grammar) to promote better Search results.

What you also need to do is take ownership of the mountpoint(s). Probably recursively. But this shouldn’t usually be necessary if they are mounted in your home directory?

It would be handy to see the output of cat /etc/fstab.

Another issue might be the default “hibernate” state Windows uses; make sure to issue

powercfg /h off

…from an elevated command prompt in Windows.


I searched (using Google) for:
“steam ntfs linux”

It’s all here, for example:

Using a NTFS disk with Linux and Windows · ValveSoftware/Proton Wiki · GitHub

Create a dedicated mountpoint - don’t use /run/media/… as a mount point.

Please format terminal output as “Preformatted text” → this symbol: </>
not as “Blockquote”, like you did.

ha, we found and posted the same link


I have to put a disclaimer here. I have a habit of making dedicated mount-points for devices I regularly (or even occasionally) use, and often forget that stuff tends to get mounted in /run/media otherwise.

In fstab I believe there is a “forceuser=” option for ntfs, although as it’s rather a long time since I had a use-case for this, I’ll need to research.

Valve’s WIKI explains it all, the base is that NTFS was UNSUPPORTED right from the start with Proton, but there are steps to have it to kinda work now on their WIKI.

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