How do I get Gnome Keyring to work on KDE plasma

Ah. You are right - there is a way to have both, while not exactly advisable.

I’ll let you take this though :wink:

There’s also an ability to patch KWallet with mentioned MR and there’s even a package in AUR that does this. But it’s for advanced users only.

Once again beyond my experience. I did edit the response above.

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I followed this one: wiki archlinux org/title/GNOME/Keyring

I do also have libsecret installed

And this is still not working? That’s strange. For Skype it was sufficient… are you using AUR/manually downloaded or Flatpak/Snap launcher version?

Using the version from “add or remove software”

I suppose it’s this one?

oh wait, not minecraft, I meant gnome keyring/libsecret. I got minecraft from minecraft net/download, clicking on arch, then using that to clone the git, and install it

Well, first of all I’d like to suggest you to try one from Flatpak, for your version I’ll try to look into how it stores passwords.

Also please check that gnome-keyring-daemon process is running.

I tried that before, and it worked, but ran at 25fps and a REALLY low resolution. Like menus and stuff where fine, but the background and gameplay was horrible.

When I open system monitor, and search for gnome-keyring-daemon, it is running, but when i open minecraft it asks “a program wants access to “default keyring” but it is locked”, and aks to enter my password. Even if I enter, it does nothing, and still logs out with the error “something went wrong with the login process”.

Tried the flatpak one, but it didn’t change anything

install seahorse and set your password for gnome-keyring there

I thought it needed to be the same as your login one for it to work?

I changed it to be something other than my default password, and when logging in, if I went to seahorse, right clicked it, and unlocked the Default Keyring, then opened minecraft it worked. I now need to know how to unlock it automatically at login or something

In theory it should ask you about this password (it can be any or even none to not to bother to unlock the keyring all the time) on launcher startup.

I set it to not require any password, and it is working fine. I am like 80% sure nothing other than MC uses gnome-keyring so I should be good with them not encrypted. I have thought of encrypting my entire drive, but I didn’t for a while as I used to change partitions a lot and it was a bit of a hassle, but as I have more or less swapped form windows to manjaro (got previous linux experience, I only now just decided to see how far I can go without booting my windows partition) I should be fine to do it, but that I am getting digress. Thanks for the help :smiley: