How do I fix system not updating?

everytime i run pacman -Syu i get this

error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing nvidia-utils (515.65.01-2) breaks dependency ‘nvidia-utils=510.73.05’ required by linux414-nvidia

Kernel 4.14 is no longer supported. Please follow the steps below in the order as they appear… :arrow_down:


Install a newer kernel. The oldest still supported LTS kernel is 4.19, but perhaps it would be safer to go for a slightly newer LTS kernel, i.e. 5.4. :arrow_down:

sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux54


Reboot into the new kernel by selecting “Advanced options for Manjaro Linux” in the GRUB menu and selecting the kernel you’ve just installed.


Remove the 4.14 kernel. :arrow_down:

sudo mhwd-kernel -r linux414


Update your system. :arrow_down:

sudo pacman -Syu

… or… :arrow_down:

pamac update

I guess you mean

pamac update


Yes, it was a typo — force of habit. :blush:

I’ve corrected it in my post now. Thank you. :slight_smile:

im running kernel 5.15 and i get

error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing nvidia-utils (515.65.01-2) breaks dependency ‘nvidia-utils=510.73.05’ required by linux414-nvidia
:: installing nvidia-utils (515.65.01-2) breaks dependency ‘nvidia-utils=510.73.05’ required by linux515-nvidia

when installing that kernel

just remove the old kernel

I did say that you had to remove the 4.14 kernel before updating your system. :wink:

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