How do I configuring a new storage SSD?

Which GUI are you using?
Gnome, KDE or…

When you are using KDE, then you can use the KDE partition manager.

You can also use the Manjaro USB stick, boot and mount the root parition and comment out the false line in /etc/fstab.

Try to change

UUID=ba9ddb22-b1d3-4302-8fcb-03943f48dd34 /srv/sproidssd ext4 defaults,noatime 0 0

That worked. Now the problem is that the folder /srv/sproidssd is root only. See screenshot.

Beware, AFAIK lost+found folders are usually owned by root, since it the one filling it with found files from fsck. That doesn’t mean the parent folder is owned by root.

ls -la /srv/sproidssd
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~ >>> ls -la /srv/sproidssd
total 24
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Feb 20 14:44 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Feb 21 01:38 …
drwx------ 2 root root 16384 Feb 20 14:44 lost+found
~ >>>

So now you only need to add write rights to all users.

sudo chmod go+w /srv/sproidssd

root will still own the folder, but that won’t be an issue since:

  • you want all users to access it
  • you gave all users rights to read and write in it

Two possibilities — actually, there are more, but these two will be the easiest for you:

1. Make yourself the owner of the directory :arrow_down:

sudo chown sproid:sproid /srv/sproidssd

2. Leave it root-owned but give yourself write access :arrow_down:

sudo chown root:sproid /srv/sproidssd && sudo chmod 775 /srv/sproidssd

If any other user accounts need write access too, add them to the sproid group.

This worked and I am able to create folders and apps can use it:

sudo chmod go+w /srv/sproidssd

Do I still need to do your suggestion?

No, but now you have a world-writable directory. That may not be what you want, and especially not if you’re going to be storing any sensitive data in there.

I don’t think it is an issue as it is what he wanted initially.

World-writable means that every process can write to it, which isn’t the most secure setup. By default, only two directories are world-writable, i.e. /tmp and /var/tmp. Everything else depends on user/group permissions, which is safer.


I decided to go the safer route. How do I undo this:

sudo chmod go+w /srv/sproidssd

and wish one works better or smoother to be used as a regular extra storage for media and games?

sudo chmod go-w /srv/sproidssd


I think I achieve what I wanted but I have 2 last question.
1st: After installing new storage to a PC one need to do all this tedious (not newbie friendly) process every time? There is no automation like other OSes do?
2nd and most important: Since many contributed to solving the initial question which I am grateful,
How do I select multiple post as :white_check_mark: solution? Or do I create a last post with all the steps & contributors and select that one as Solution?

If one wants to do it right, then yes. But if you rely on auto-mounting, then if you use an ext4 or comparable filesystem, the permissions will be wrong. It all depends on the usage scenario.

Just mark the post that helped you the most. :slight_smile:

I created a tutorial out of this experience. Thanks to all the contributors that helped me. :grinning:

The solution is for yourself.

Thank you for that!

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