How create iso from current manjaro without a terminal?

There is no GUI to create an ISO from current state.

Technically you can use buildiso - I have outlined the commands necessary - you may want to script them - though I recommend to test them as they are written from memory - flash memory - the kind of memory which is gone in a flash :slight_smile:


1. Create a folder in the root filesystem to hold your system

sudo mkdir /mybuild

2. Set permissions on the folder

Setting your user as owner which automagically gives rw access

sudo chown $USER:$USER /mybuild

3. Clone the iso-profiles repo into /mybuild

git clone /mybuild/iso-profiles

4. Create a folder to hold your build

mkdir /mybuild/iso-profiles/$USER

5. Copy the relevant profile-folder into mybuild

In this case it is Plasma - it would work for any edition

cp -R /mybuild/iso-profiles/manjaro/kde /mybuild/iso-profiles/$USER/my-kde

6. Clean up your system for orphans

pamac remove --orphans

7. Create a package list of your current system

Excluding custom packages

pacman -Qqen > ~/my-packages.txt

8. Create new filtered list

Use the comm utility comparing the two files ~/my-packages.txt and /rootfs-pkgs.txt and pipe the result to replace the my-kde profile’s Packages-Desktop file

comm -23 <(sort ~/my-packages.txt) <(sort /rootfs-pkgs.txt) > /mybuild/iso-profiles/$USER/my-kde/Packages-Desktop

9. Create the folder to hold your personal settings

mkdir -p /mybuild/iso-profiles/$USER/my-kde/desktop-overlay/etc/skel

10. Copy the content of your home

Place the content in the desktop-overlay/etc/skel folder - make sure to be selective and remove unwanted files like Documents and Pictures and whatnot

cp -R $HOME/. /mybuild/iso-profiles/$USER/my-kde/desktop-overlay/etc/skel

11. Run buildiso

Use the -t target directory argument to place your build inside the /mybuild folder.

If you have used buildiso previously with another profile-root you need to edit the file ~/.config/manjaro-tools/iso-profiles.conf to point to the folder /mybuild/iso-profiles

buildiso -p my-kde -t /mybuild

The size of the final ISO will be reflected by the packagelist and the size of your $HOME folder