How can I use manjaro as a stable distro... not rolling release

$ LANG=C stat / | awk '/Birth: /{print $2}'

I guess time has come to learn bash no ?

In January my Manjaro will be 9 years old :slight_smile:

Creación: 2013-01-08 09:10:41.000000000 -0600

LANG=C stat / | awk ‘/Birth: /{print $2}’

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I love manjaro over other distro for the exact same thing , I have the freedom to update whenever i want and i have the latest software and drivers at my fingertips, I love manjaro and this community so much :heart_eyes:. In conclusion , you have the freedom to update the things you want or not , i never get forced to update anything in this distro.

stat / | grep Geburt                                                                                                                        
Geburt: 2018-09-15 14:34:14.011463534 +0200

The previous install was beyond repair (my fault), but had also lasted a few years (that is much longer then when i used to upgrade ubuntu)

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I am in the rolling camp as well. It’s a matter of security. Just one example: Right now there is a security problem with flatpak (CVE2021-41133) and it is better to get a patched version. Manjaro has the necessary new package in the repo (stable branch as well) and if you get your system updated regularly you are fine. There are some well known distros still fiddling around with who knows what they are doing. One may think that there are other security layers but I like to have a look at the latest CVE’s and get in the fixes as soon as possible. After years of using Linux I feel that so called stable distros are not always fast enough with the necessary fixes. As a desktop user I am happy with formatting my disks and regular fresh installs as well for the same reason: security. I can’t imagine to let my laptops running the same installations for years.

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Lets not decrease the font size in a post. Makes it hard to read for some.

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