Hotspot created with password doesn't let supplicant to connect

I have set the password to 12345678 but when enter same password and it doesn’t even send the password (verified from wireshark live capture, there is no authentication packets).


I tried from macos and my android phone. Same issue, it is not setting WPA2

That’s a great password! Nobody’s ever going to guess that! :rofl:

Maybe because it’s WPA3? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That’s a great password! Nobody’s ever going to guess that!

Yes it is. That’s why I have kept it same as my net banking and official emails password :smile:

Maybe because it’s WPA3 ?

How can I enfore WPA2, then? :confused:

I think this depends on the settings of the device serving as the hotspot. :thinking:

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With the same device I can connect to WPA2 access point in my office. Doesn’t that mean it supports WPA2, but somehow choosing WPA3? Also when i changed it in the settings (network settings of my manjaro system), it didn’t make any difference. Still WPA3.

Btw there it shows WPA/WPA2 Personal, which was WPA3 Personal earlier.

Well, I don’t know how you set that up in Manjaro. Did you use NetworkManager, and if so, how exactly did you do that? And did you restart the network (or reload the daemon)?

Well, I don’t know how you set that up in Manjaro

From network applet

Did you use NetworkManager?

Yes. When I do restart NetworkManager, in my case it doesn’t show Hotspot button in network applet, so I have to logout and login again. Then it creates a new network with same SSID and WPA 3 Personal.

And have you tried right-clicking the applet so as to see an option for configuring it?

Have you tried linux-wifi-hotspot from AUR ?