Hide GRUB when booting

Oh ok, Thank you I will try it

Tried fully shutting down my pc, spamming both enter and shift keys but none worked, I suspect the problem is somehow related to my BIOS mode i.e Legacy.

Quote from https://askubuntu.com/questions/16042/how-to-get-to-the-grub-menu-at-boot-time:

Menu will appear if you press and hold Shift during loading Grub, if you boot using BIOS. When your system boots using UEFI, press Esc.

But this is for Ubuntu somewhere in 2010 and I’m not sure whether or not Ubuntu has its own modified GRUB.

@cscs, is your system installed with Manjaro GRUB (the one with green Manjaro background)?

Anyway @TheEliteDash, perhaps for a while you can boot into live-USB Manjaro and just use GRUB_TIMEOUT=2 instead:

Well ok. Thank You

I forgot to mention that you need to be in chroot in order to update the GRUB on your internal drive. Because you use live-USB or live-CD so you need to change the filesystem view to the one in your internal drive, not the live-USB/CD one.

I give you 2 good references on how to do this:


First reinstall grub package :

sudo pacman -Rsn grub && sudo pacman -S grub

And update grub config :

sudo rm /boot/grub/grub.cfg
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

No there’s no need to reinstall GRUB as his GRUB isn’t corrupted. There’s only a need to update the /etc/default/grub and run sudo update-grub, everything in chroot mode.

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