I installed official XFCE manjaro (manjaro-xfce-21.2.6-220416-linux515.iso) with disc encryption and hibernation. Unfortunately after first reboot I got the following error message:
Device does not exist or access denied.
ERROR: resume: hibernation device '/dev/mapper/luks-....' not found
I was able to reproduce it also with latest official KDE (manjaro-kde-21.2.6-220416-linux515.iso) on my virtualbox.
So it seems this is a general issue with the latest images when enabling disc encryption and hibernation.
I didnât found a solution for it searching through the forum or the internet.
I workarounded the issue by using an older image (manjaro-xfce-21.1.6-211017-linux513.iso), with this the hibernation is working well.
Attached a screenshot from the error message and console output from âlsblkâ:
Hello, I openend topic Hibernation device not found after fresh installation with latest images and it seems nobody can help.
Therefore I would like to ask where can I open a bug ticket for manjaro so that a manjaro developer can look into it?
Since everybody can reproduce the issue with the latest images, it would make sense to open a bug ticket.
Thank you for the reply @Mirdarthos , I already searched and found these links, most of them using hibernation with btrfs, which I do not.
Also, I am not searching for a âsolutionâ, but want to open a bug ticket, since someone should fix the issue upstream, so that a fresh installation of manjaro with encryption and hibernation didnât result in hibernation error messages.
well i think youâre expecting too much âserviceâ. manjaro is an arch-based rolling-release and therefore itâs a basic rule to deal with problems on yourself. you need the spirit to live, deal and use trial and error.