Hi, i was running manjaro kde. Nothing is working after Update

Yes. I will do it now.

I guess that sda1 is the booted USB drive.

its the luks:

but have no idea how to chroot into it, the commands above should work…

It says. You can’t include link. :sweat_smile:

I hope this will be useful.

htts gps:/c/lh3.googleusercontent .com/-kQCp94AKTgo/Y9e8YgiBYTI/AAAAAAAAOWc/W5MyxEnGoHAvu8EZDycbEe5CH1NSUVvxACNcBGAsYHQ/s1600/1675082844166852-0.png

The LUKS device is already open and mounted. @salemkhosla probably used the file-manager to do this. At least the mount path looks like it.

Dear kind Linux experts. Kindly consider checking the screenshot of the outputs of the last instructions to me.

thats why i told you to use formatting for the link:

your link here

i cant access the link when i remove the spaces…

if its already mounted the chroot command should work

Of course. I am using formatting. It says. Hyperlink. I entered. Of course i followed your instructions, sir. :blush::+1:

https ://lh3.googleusercontent. com /-kQCp94AKTgo/Y9e8YgiBYTI/AAAAAAAAOWc/W5MyxEnGoHAvu8EZDycbEe5CH1NSUVvxACNcBGAsYHQ/s1600/1675082844166852-0.png

But not mounted to /mnt, it is mounted to /run/media/manjaro/c8cd7c48-37cf-4916-abd6-16316ed0ecb8

At least at the time @salemkhosla posted it.

Right now, i am standing at

rootfs ]#

Any instructions or commands to enter?

looking at the output, it looks for uuid c8cd7c…
the only uuid detected in blkid is the crypt one with: 2ejb47…
so your uuids are messed up…
and cat /etc/fstab doesnt output anything…
try running:
nano /etc/fstab
does it output anything?

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we unmounted it 3 times and it still didnt worked

it says :

sh: nano: not found

we need to change the uuid in fstab to match the one from blkid …
so boot into manjaro live usb again, connect to internet, and chroot again:

dont do anything else, dont open your file manager, as @xabbu suggests and see if it works

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Sure. Kindly wait a moment.

But the command that was used was

sudo umount /dev/sda1

That will not umount a LUKS device. Even if the LUKS is stored on sda1. /dev/mapper/luks-2e1b47f7-ac28-47f5-ba82-e00da8b4bb99 should have been umounted. But it is to late anyway and a little bit of topic.

No need to wait. Just don’t open a Filemanager.

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i dont know nothing about luks, so this is good to know, thanks

[manjaro@manjaro-mate ~]$ sudo cryptsetup -v luksOpen /dev/sda1 cryptDrive
sudo mount /dev/mapper/cryptDrive /mnt
sudo manjaro-chroot /mnt
Enter passphrase for /dev/sda1: 
Key slot 0 unlocked.
Command successful.

what doest it mean, could you please tell me, what should i do now?

well now it worked, but it doesnt look like you are chrooted… run these again, one at a time:

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sh-5.1# sudo mount /dev/mapper/cryptDrive /mnt
sh-5.1# sudo manjaro-chroot /mnt
sudo: manjaro-chroot: command not found