Something to think about
- There may be a
pamac clean
service/timer running on your behalf automatically already. By default I believe it keeps 3 versions (/etc/pamac.conf) of a package in cache (/var/cache/pacman/pkg/), and runs the first Saturday of a month at 15:00.
# List status of the service and timer
===> systemctl status pamac-cleancache.{service,timer}
# List all timers
===> systemctl list-timers
Might want to incorporate a
at the end of an upgrade to look for any .pacnew files. There should be some message on the console or log (/var/log/pacman.log) about a .pacnew file being created. -
A reminder to read the Stable Announcement forum (at least the first 2 entries) for the upgrade.
If you are new to bash scripting and/or command line you might find Learn The Linux Command Line. Write Shell Scripts., helpful.
I believe a user needs to run
pacman-mirrors -f
instead or in addition to--continent
. The man page sayscountry
are mutually exclusive. One option builds the custom mirrorlist and the other builds the runtime mirrorlist (/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist) based on some “speed” tests. -
I don’t think keys need to be updated separately unless there is a problem. It is usually done as part of the upgrade, and at the beginning. I could be wrong, but I don’t think this is necessary.