Help Testing 24.2 Release Candidates

The @Manjaro-Team is currently testing 24.2 Release Candidates and working hard on getting a new stable snap of packages out. Why not join to help?

We aim for linux612 (LTS), Plasma 6.2 and Gnome 47 series as key features. Code-Name might be Yonada

  • Plasma 6.2.4 (Tue 2024-11-26)
  • Frameworks 6.8 (Fri November 8, 2024)
  • Gnome 47.2 (2024-11-23)
  • Linux 6.12 (2024-11-24)

Current ISOs can be found here: Release 202412060323 · manjaro/release-review · GitHub


Back to the topic I have installed the latest Gnome 24.2 release in boxes and have not seen any issues.I switched the branch to unstable and will keep updated to see how it goes.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Will Manjaro 24.2 include MDD?

Will this release include xfce 4.20?

@pheiduck that depends. For now it is scheduled for the 15th of December. When we release earlier, maybe not. Those who want to test the latest XFCE can do so via: Release xfce-4.20-pre2 · manjaro/xfce-4.20 · GitHub

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