Hi everyone, I would like to ask you something I use Manjaro kde and I would like to ask how I can create launchers for certain applications? I have two programs in jar that I would like to start with a click and put them in the taskbar can you help me? Thanks
In the one case I had to do this I used 2 files - a start script for running the things, and a desktop file for the Application Launcher compatible entry.
So we will use the example dust
which is a free game run using java that comes in a .jar.
Consider the following directory (the path is not really important);
In which we have a few files.
contains only the shebang making it a script and the line launching the jar;
java -jar dust_v0.5.1.jar
Great … you can launch the jar using the script.
For the Application Launcher we want to create a Desktop file (this path is important).
Which should contain something like
( use full paths in desktop files, language, replace $USERNAME )
[Desktop Entry]
Comment[en_US]=Dust java game
Comment=Dust java game
Exec=/usr/bin/bash /home/$USERNAME/Games/Dust/start.sh
You can probably see here that you really dont need the start.sh
at all, and could put your execution arguments directly in the .desktop file. But the are shown separate here because that can be useful as well.
Use kmenuedit (or your DE’s equivalent if you aren’t using Plasma) to create new menu entries. (It’s pretty intuitive, at least in Plasma).
Then you can drag the new entries from the main menu onto a panel.
Even simpler still: start the application from the menu, and then right-click the entry on the task manager and choose “Pin to Task Manager”.
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