I was used to install and enable realvnc-server in Raspberry OS via SSH running raspi-config
. Is there an easy way to start and enable a VNC server from an SSH session?
I tried two or tree methods (tigervnc for example) but some dependencies are not available for ARM_64.
I’m running i3 edition.
With the search function on the forum you’ll find some answers, I hope it will be helpful.
On my side I use krfb and krdc for the vnc, it work well
Hi, I made a quick search and didn’t find anything granted to work with ARM with a cli, even krfb has no docs in their wiki for command-line-only interface. Nevertheless I found what I was looking for in an archived forum entry:
So here is the summary of how to get TigerVNC to work like RealVNC on Raspberry Pi OS
//ssh into RPi
ssh @//install TigerVNC
sudo pacman -S tigervnc//configure XDMCP - Modify /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf#in [LightDM] section
#uncomment and set start-default-seat=false#in [XDMCPServer] section
#uncomment and set enabled=true
#uncomment port=177//restart lightdm
sudo systemctl restart lightdm//create /etc/systemd/system/tigervnc.socket
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/tigervnc.socket#paste in
Description=TigerVNC Server[Socket]
WantedBy=sockets.target//create /etc/systemd/system/tigervnc@.service
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/tigervnc@.service#paste in
Description=TigerVNC Per-Connection Daemon[Service]
ExecStart=-/usr/bin/Xvnc -inetd -query localhost -geometry 1440x900 -once -SecurityTypes=None
StandardError=syslog//use systemctl to start and enable
sudo systemctl start tigervnc.socket
sudo systemctl enable tigervnc.socket//reboot
sudo reboot
Feel free to remove this theme as duplicate.
Thanks a lot for your feedback.
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