HDMI Audio isn't working on an Asus Laptop

this problem is weird

what if i uninstall pipewire?

KDE requires pipewire base package so uninstalling is not possible for this DE

But the pipewire systemd socket and service can be disabled to continue using PulseAudio without interference

systemctl --user mask --now pipewire.socket && systemctl --user stop pipewire.service

Or install manjaro-pipewire metapackage to install the additional dependency files for Pipewire and remove PulseAudio packages

i did the command, now what.

If you have disabled pipewire service inxi -Ax should confirm that only PulseAudio is now running
and Pipewire cannot cause any problem with the audio codec

  Sound Server-3: PulseAudio v: 14.2 running: yes 
  Sound Server-4: PipeWire v: 0.3.25 running: no

it is like this. No difference tho.

Please post response to this command to check if the PulseAudio profile for the HDMI output is now shown as available

LANG=C pacmd list-cards

and this to show ALSA audio controls

amixer -c0

Since you have a nvidia maybe you need to do this,can you open the file in /etc/udev/rules.d/90-mhwd-prime-powermanagement.rules and put a # before the word ACTION afther the text Remove nvidia audio devices? like this

# Remove NVIDIA Audio devices, if present
#ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="pci", ATTR{vendor}=="0x10de", ATTR{class}=="0x040300", ATTR{remove}="1"

Save that file and reboot the system,the HDMI audio should work now.

already did that

The PulseAudio Profiles for output:hdmi-stereo-extra1 is still shown as - available: no
PulseAudio will avoid sending an audio stream to an audio output that appears to be unavailable

I suggest you try turning off the Auto-Mute Mode setting in ALSA

amixer -c0 sset 'Auto-Mute Mode' Disabled

But if output:hdmi-stereo-extra1 is still shown as - available: no
try clearing PulseAudio user settings in home folder

rm ~/.config/pulse/cookie ~/.config/pulse/*.tdb 

and reboot system so PulseAudio can create new versions of these files

it’s like this now

HDMI 2 switches from “avaiable: no” to “avaible: unknown” and when i try to do a speaker-test on the corresponding device (card 0, device 7) it plays static from the tv speaker.
That’s something!

OK! I was able to get HMDI audio working! Had to reboot my PC. I think that the solution is disabling Auto-Mute and commenting that line in the mhwd-prime-powermanagment.rules config.

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