Having 'could not satisfy dependencies' Issues Installing Packages on Manjaro with Pamac

When trying to install multiple packages using Pamac on Manjaro, I often run into issues where one package has a dependency conflict that breaks the entire installation process. This results in none of the packages getting installed even though some may not have issues.

I’d like to know if there is a GUI setting in Pamac I’m missing to ignore the conflicting package and install the rest. The ability to skip dependency errors seems like a very basic feature that Pamac should have, but I haven’t been able to find an option for it in the GUI. Having to manually install packages one-by-one to get around a single dependency issue is tedious. If anyone knows of a way to configure Pamac to ignore just the problem package and install the non-conflicting ones, please let me know. This functionality would greatly improve the user experience when installing multiple packages.

There is no such setting in the pamac GUI, and for good reason too, because you would otherwise end up with a broken system. It is also imperative that you do not upgrade individual packages, but that instead you update the whole system, and that you tend to any .pacnew files you may have.

Why don’t you tell us what packages you have a problem with, and then perhaps we can sort it out?Sometimes it’s only a matter of a package being replaced due to a renaming during packaging.


This is the major point/difference/feature in a rolling release (arch in that case) distro. Everything is updating at once, together, and frequently. It reduces the dependencies to only 1 level that way. That is, at least the theory, which is like the practice…most of the time. That is why ignoring updates or single updates breaks the system (even more) and is not encouraged. The approach is, if there is a problem, you have to solve it (and quickly). That is the work overhead that puts many people from rolling distros, which is fine, it is a matter of choice. Not so fine is that the “marketing” does not explain it before the new user installs the system.


Opinion:- Restricting the ability to choose containerized applications or AUR packages before their repo counterparts might also go a long way toward preventing all kinds of errant situations.

(OK. I’ll pack up my toys and leave the room.)
(I’m going, really.)

You could use the command line and –no-confirm option. This option may not always act like you expect as it will pick the default option - which in some cases is not what you want.

It is the same option for both pamac and pacman

Use pacman - when queried about conflicts - decide what to do.

I my opinion it will complicate the process as there is no correct answer - when a package conflicts - the conflict must be resolved … there is no middle ground … the package manager cannot decide what is right and what is wrong - it will need your input to know what to do.

If in doubt about what option is available for a pamac action

pamac <action> --help
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