Gvfsd[2588]: Error calling org.gtk.vfs.MonitorClient.Changed(): Timeout was reached (g-io-error-quark, 24)

10 000 times found this line in “journalctl -a --no-pager” output.

gvfsd[2588]: Error calling org.gtk.vfs.MonitorClient.Changed(): Timeout was reached (g-io-error-quark, 24)

XFCE 4.16, 5.11.14-1-MANJARO


13.10 - Error calling StartServiceByName for org.gtk.vfs.Daemon: Timeout was reached (g-io-error-quark, 24) - Ask Ubuntu

leads to this

[Solved] Error calling StartServiceByName for org.gtk.vfs.Daemon / Desktop / Xfce Forums

leads to this

Bug #1239014 “xfsettingsd unable to daemonize properly when over...” : Bugs : xfce4-settings package : Ubuntu

Does it apply to your situation?

i do not know, the answer i have linked in my 1st post has one comment, and i can second what is written in that comment - both commands cause delay in my case.