Grub pf2 max size limit

Is there a limit to the maximum size of grub fonts?
After trying it for about a month, only images less than 96pt can be displayed correctly.

I would appreciate it if you could tell me whether grub has a font size limit or not.

Specifically, the yellow numbers (countdown) on the left side. I would like this display to be 192pt or higher.

for i in {8..144}; do grub-mkfont --verbose --range=0x0-0x7f --size="$i" --output=./FONTNAME_"$i".pf2 ../FONTNAME.ttf ; done ;

My goals for Grub customization are:

  • UHD/4K display. big letters
  • In principle, scripts under the original grub.d should not be rewritten.
  • Rewrite grub.cfg using PERL regular expressions.

Most of the work could be automated. Other than the font size issue, I achieved my goal. This is a complete prototype for myself.

Side note::

  • autoiso doesn’t work. I don’t really understand.
  • Although it is hidden on the screen, below the systemrescue ISO is iso boot are listed. Manjaro ISO etc…
  • It is my clear intention that there are two entries for Windows Boot Manager, and it is intentional. The name has also been changed. Windows 11.

In what I did, the maximum was 500 points.
The number on the left side is a countdown and is approximately larger than a 3.5-inch HDD. my environment. :grin:

In what I did, the maximum was 500 points.
The number on the left side is a countdown and is approximately larger than a 3.5 inch HDD. my environment.
The HDD in the photo is 2.5 inches.

The last piece is now in place, so it’s complete.

It may be a little unscrupulous, but no matter how many distros I add, they are automatically registered.

The initial configuration of grub by the manjaro team is probably the smartest of all OSes.
Thank you very much.