GRUB INSTALL ERROR: Unknown filesystem

can you

inxi -Mxa
test -d /sys/firmware/efi & & echo efi || echo bios
sudo efibootmgr -v
sudo parted -l
sudo lsblk -fs
sudo manjaro-chroot -a 
cat /etc/fstab 
exit ( end chroot )

@winnie @stephane

I reinstalled manjaro(in different partition), and now entry is showing in the grub menu(3 entries → 1 windows and 2 manjaro), i performed my commands i mention in topic and now its working fine,
just need to delete the newly installed manjaro partition and grub entry then i will be back to my original setup

thanks @winnie @stephane @linux-aarhus

What a trip, yeah? Even to this day, booting up a system still hasn’t reached the practicality of what an iPhone or Android phone offers: just turn it on and you’re good to go! Glad you got it back to a working dual-boot setup. Hopefully it’ll be smoother going forward since you’re all up to date. For future reference, simple partition layouts (with recent backups of your /home directory) will save you a headache or two down the line.

Thank you for updating us, @sonal! :v:

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