Grub does not see another encrypted distribution

Hi. There are three systems on the disk. Windows stood for a long time, now I installed arch on sda5 and immediately Manjaro on sda6. Both are encrypted. Grub sees Manjaro and Windows, but not Arch. All systems boot normally via uefi. What should I do in this situation? I’ve already tried it

grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Since the systems are encrypted, they can’t be accessed without the decryption key. That is why your 1 grub can’t access the other Linux, so according to it, there’s nothing boot-able there.

I suspect you’ll have to add the other distribution manually in /etc/grub.d/40_custom. No, I don’t know how.


More here:

Edit #2:

Either that or, and here I again don’t know if, or how to do it, but either that, or the boot partitions for both distributions need to be on an un-encrypted partition.

Personally, I’d say this is the best option if you have to have encryption. Leave the OS un-encrypted and encrypt just your data.

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And please do not post pictures of text.

For grub to be able to identify other systems it needs access to the system’s root filesystem.

Logically - this is not possible when the root filesystem is encrypted.

So no matter what you do - os-prober will never be able to identify what is inside a luks encrypted block device.

The only way you can have a dual system using encryption is to use a unified kernel image stored as an efi image - then you can boot it using your systems boot override.

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The only way you can have a dual system using encryption is to use a unified kernel image stored as an efi image - then you can boot it using your systems boot override.

Could you please explain in a little more detail what it is so I can figure out for myself if it’s worth it

I educated myself on the topic and wrote a topic to share how I did it.

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