Graphical issues - blinking around edges of monitor

For some reason, every so often, the edges of my display will flicker. They seem to flicker green-ish. I’m on KDE Plasma, with a GTX 760 and MSI G321CUV monitor. More info available on request.

Maybe a regular ol

inxi -Farz

to start.

I usually find this can be attributed to a poor connection to the monitor. You might wish to check to atleast eliminate that as a cause.

Sure! It didn’t help, unfortunately.

@cscs Is there a specific section to send?

You probably have this desktop effect enabled… :point_down:

It causes the “hot corners” to light up — usually green, but this may depend on the theme or the color scheme — when moving the mouse close to them.

You probably have this desktop effect enabled

Just checked. I don’t.

Can you specify which programs are running, or under what circumstances you might see this flickering?

I found (in a random Reddit post) that disabling OverDriver apparently helped resolve flickering issues.

This provides generally good advice:

(Ignore the Windows-oriented presentation)


Probably completely unrelated but are you playing a full screen video on another monitor at the time? I’ve observed that there seems to be a 1-pixel overlap on adjacent monitors.