Strawberry won't launch. cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


I am trying to use strawberry music player, I ran the install and installed it via sudo pacman -S strawberry. I verified the version on pacman is the newest version from git. When I attempt to run I am having this error:

strawberry: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

So I assumed it was something missing. I ran the command

find -name

Which I assume I am running correctly and it returns and empty query so lo and behold there is in fact nothing on my system with that. I am trying to install it now but I am a bit confused about shared libraries. I assume I found the website which would have the newest version but I am unsure how to install it. Any help or other direction would be appreciated.

strawberry depends on taglib.

is provided by taglib1

(that means you could install taglib1; sudo pacman -Syu taglib1)

But I dont know if the maintainers missed anything.

It seems to install and run here without complaint, and without need of that package.

Is your system in a partial-upgrade state?

so i did try this as you were typing sudo pacman -Syu taglib1 which is what i copied from console so i didn’t type it wrong and I am getting > error: target not found: taglib1

Is your system in a partial-upgrade state?

I dont think so, Im more sure i probably broke something.

To begin with you should just run

sudo pacman -Syu

It would seem that taglib1 only exists in the testing/unstable branches.

ok i checked that I am getting there is nothing to do.

lets just say i did a pamac install libtag1 and it magically starting working. It did download it from the AUR.

Thank you for your help @cscs! I bookmarked the packages tab so i know to reference this next go around.

I did the update yesterday, is it possible it broke it?

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Maybe it was just overlooked - libtag was updated but strawberry was not.
Which follows that the old strawberry looking for old libtag that you dont have.
These packages are taken from Arch, but which ones included when seems to have missed a thing.
When you do get your update to strawberry you will probably find you no longer need this package.

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Strawberry and the dependencies (taglib without 1) are fine by me on the stable branch (xfce).
So it is something else.

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Bad mirror?

sudo pacman-mirrors -f && sudo pacman -Syu

Tried what was suggested above from cscs, no difference. Prior to today it was working. I had it installed from github, I downloaded and compiled it with cmake. Today on boot it didn’t work, hence the steps above. That’s why i was thinking i probably broke it. Unfortunately I do not understand a lot of the inner-workings of Linux and so how to go about troubleshooting the root cause is difficult for me.

If you compiled strawberry against the old lib recompile against the newer lib…

How would I recompile against the pacmac library one

This is pertinent information.

You got strawberry in an unsupported/manual way.

Of course it was not updated along with all the repository packages during system update.

So … you need to update and rebuild it manually again.

The same way you did it before.

OR … get rid of that and install the repository version.


Given your previous comments such as

It would appear you have somehow evaded learning about the basics of package management on linux/manjaro. Please revise your previous way of thinking … we generally do not go to random websites and download things for our software. By and large we use the repositories. This will also handle things like dependencies (So that you dont run into situation like you did in this thread).


So before I posted this I did get rid of the strawberry version from GitHub and installed the repo version, at which point I was still having the same issue with needing libmap1. So I’m not sure what I would need to fix this at this point. It does work, the repo version, but it needs libmap1. Is there a way I can check which dependencies strawberry requires on my PC and see if it is different?

Try pacman -Si strawberry to list dependencies required by the package in the official repo. Alternatively, I think pacman -Qi strawberry lists the dependencies of an already installed package.

Edit: removed sudo from commands as per @Takakage’s post (#19)

Please describe the specific steps that you took to accomplish this.

To get rid of the GitHub package i deleted the folder where it was stored. I installed it under /home/(user_name)/Applications/strawberry/.

sudo pacman -Qi strawberry                                                                                                                   ✔ 
Name            : strawberry
Version         : 1.0.23-2
Description     : A music player aimed at audio enthusiasts and music collectors
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL3
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : abseil-cpp  alsa-lib  chromaprint  fftw  gcc-libs  gdk-pixbuf2  glib2  glibc  gst-plugins-base  gst-plugins-base-libs  gst-plugins-good
                  gstreamer  icu  kdsingleapplication  libcdio  libebur128  libgpod  libmtp  libpulse  libx11  protobuf  qt6-base  sqlite  taglib  udisks2
Optional Deps   : gst-libav: additional codecs [installed]
                  gst-plugins-bad: additional codecs [installed]
                  gst-plugins-ugly: additional codecs [installed]
Required By     : None
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Installed Size  : 12.09 MiB
Packager        : Antonio Rojas <>
Build Date      : Wed 24 Jan 2024 12:53:58 PM EST
Install Date    : Tue 27 Feb 2024 05:52:11 PM EST
Install Reason  : Explicitly installed
Install Script  : No
Validated By    : Signature
Repository      : extra
sudo pacman -Si strawberry
Name            : strawberry
Version         : 1.0.23-2
Description     : A music player aimed at audio enthusiasts and music collectors
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL3
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : abseil-cpp  alsa-lib  chromaprint  fftw  gcc-libs  gdk-pixbuf2  glib2  glibc  gst-plugins-base  gst-plugins-base-libs  gst-plugins-good
                  gstreamer  icu  kdsingleapplication  libcdio  libebur128  libgpod  libmtp  libpulse  libx11  protobuf  qt6-base  sqlite  taglib  udisks2
Optional Deps   : gst-libav: additional codecs
                  gst-plugins-bad: additional codecs
                  gst-plugins-ugly: additional codecs
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 5.76 MiB
Installed Size  : 12.09 MiB
Packager        : Antonio Rojas <>
Build Date      : Wed 24 Jan 2024 12:53:58 PM EST
Validated By    : MD5 Sum  SHA-256 Sum  Signature

I wonder what you understand under “install”…

Probably some bad config remained in the .config folder.

I am embarrassed because of wasting people’s time in the first place for this but I really am still responding still because I am learning.

I check strawberry.conf under ~./config/strawberry/ There is nothing explicit about libtag1 in there. I could attempt to back up the conf file, remove the file, pacman remove and pacman install and see if it is still tries to call the file.

No need to be embarrassed - I am sure most of us have walked down the same learning path during some stage of our Linux life.

Regarding the ~./config/strawberry/ folder, just delete it (make sure Strawberry is not running when you do this). You won’t lose your music database, which should be in ~/.local/share/strawberry/. Although you may need to re-add the folders where the music is stored if the files are not in the default folder.

  • sudo is not needed when simply running a database query.
  • What is the output from type -a strawberry