Google Drive and KDE Plasma

Hello!! Hope everybody is good!!

I’m trying to use Google Drive in KDE Plasma by using the internal application of Online Accounts, but is not working…

I’ve read some topics here, and I can say that I already installed kio-drive and follow michael franzl’s tutorial, but did not word…

Actually, worked a little bit. I connected in my account, and I created a path in the Dolphin. I could see my Google Drive’s folders, but when I tried to enter in any folder, there was the message that “that folder did not exist”. To all my folders…

I tried this process sometimes, and now the Google Drive’s connector is saying that is something wrong and can not log in, and ask me to try again latter.

I just installed Manjaro KDE Plasma yesterday, and trying to make some initial configurations.

I want to use Rclone in the future, bur not at the moment…

If someone could help me, I appreciate a lot!!

I can confirm this. I am seeing the same thing. The folders are there, but if I enter them, it says “folder does not exist”.

I’m guessing that kio-gdrive hasn’t been updated yet, so we’ll have to wait for a fix from upstream.