Gnome onscreen keyboard at login

I’am using the RASPAD 3 with built in 10.1" touchscreen, Raspberry PI4B and Manjaro Gnome as my portable/mobile device.
But after install and updates I missed the onscreen keyboard on the login-screen (GDM).
So I’ve activated in [Settings/Accessibility] the slider [show Menu always] to ON position, as well the slider [Virtual Keyboard]
But on next login, the virtual keyboard was still missing, so login without
hardware keyboard was not possible.
And backpacking a hardware keyboard looks not so funny.
But in the Desktop itself, the onscreen keyboard works fine.
After a deep search in Manjaro Forum/Wiki, Arch Wiki/Forum, Fedora Wiki and other
sources I found out, that it must be an issue with missing onscreen keyboard
in GDM.
Switching the session manager to [Gnome on Xorg] on login screen didn`t solve the problem. - Far from it, with Xorg I had a heavy flickering on pulldown Menues in Maps, Weather and other apps. With Wayland not.
My solution was: Replacing the display manager. In Arch-or Fedora Wiki I found
a table with compatible display-managers to wayland.

  • Listenelement
    Decided for LightDM.
    installed LightDM and LightDM-GTK-greeter
    installed LightDM-GTK-greeter-settings
    installed onboard (virtual Keyboard)
    disabling gdm
    sudo systemctl disable gdm
    enabling lightdm
    sudo systemctl enable lightdm ---force
    in LightDM-GTK+ config-GUI settings on last tab (Misc/other)
    activate checkbox [onscreen keyboard]
    enter command [onboard -l Phone -t Ambiance -s 640x480]
    choose [turned on at startup]
    save config
    Then reboot, on Login-Screen make sure, that on the
    session-manager [Gnome on Wayland] is activated and
    in the Accessibility Menu [virtual keyboard (F3)] as well

Now I have a working onscreen keyboard at login and it seems that “all engines are running” :slight_smile: