Gnome-next, testers needed

I tested it all on todays build, didnt notice any issue.

It works as it should.

Still fee glitches here and there, with not ao smooth transition, but probably fixable. :slight_smile:

@Chrysostomus While using unity layout, In preview I have some kind of weird icon.

As you can see in picture attached, left is layout switcher and right is empty one ?

what is that ? :slight_smile:

@Chrysostomus: No problem to install the last development iso (20210531). No problem to make updates and install software.

I encountered some issues after install:

  1. Iā€™ve got a laptop with a 1920x1080 resolution screen. The screen resolution is set correctly but I donā€™t see the searchbar when the applications are displayed (application button pushed). Whether under the ā€˜dash to dockā€™ extension , ā€˜dash to panelā€™ extension or with the default gnome desktop (vanilla) and under Manjaro, Manjaro Legacy and Gnome Layout. The desktop only display all applications and the preview screens, no searchbar. The Manjaro theme is defined by default.

  2. About the Manjaro Layout switcher.

Switching Unity Layout ā†’ Manjaro Layout: Ok, but Gnome Desktop message in the upper left screen stay and desktop icons stay.
Switching Titling Layout ā†’ Manjaro Layout, Manjaro Legacy Layout , Gnome Layout = Thatā€™s crap. Activities button is out of order and Application button is vanished.

Reload desktop button solve the situation.

Otherwise, it looks good working for the rest.


Note (2021/06/02): I had installed a previous version of the development iso on an other HD. The searchbar was available. I made the new updates today for that previous version, and the searchbar is still present. I donā€™t know why I havenā€™t got the searchbar for the applications with the development iso of 2021/05/31 ?

This is intentional, to leave more space for the workspaces. It is done by the ui-tune extension.


I thought it was a bug. It is after seeing the ā€˜Gnome 40 IU improvedā€™ extension that I understood that the ā€˜Hide Searchā€™ option is used to not display the application search bar. By default, it is activated. I think this search bar is essential, and I donā€™t understand why you disabled it. The search bar does not prevent to see the workspaces.
For me, the ā€˜hide searchā€™ option should be disabled.

Otherwise, I tested the development ISO from 20210603 and except some issues with the Gnome layout switcher, I didnā€™t encounter problems.


  1. The search bar is not really useful. Search works without it and you never needed to click it to start the search.
  2. The desktop looks better with it.

Still, we probably have to consider the element of discoverability. That swarch bar can help people notice that there is indeed search there. Weā€™ll consider adding it back.

Iā€™ve yet to see any critical issues, however what I have seen so far is the following:

Dragging an app from the dock (favorites) into the activities list, sometimes causes a small version of the app icon to become superimposed on the desktop.

Fractional scaling can not be enabled. When issuing command in terminal to activate it, it appears to succeed however it is never really enabled (even after rebooting)

Finally on the login page there does not see to be a way to increase the DPI or text. Iā€™m using a 4k 65 inch tv as my monitor and it appears that the login page is scaling at 100 percent.

One other issue (noticed today)

I enabled both XMP in my bios and the ARC menu in the extensions. I noticed that with both enabled if i hit the hot corner, or if i went to use the arc menu the system would lock up. Disabling either ARC or XMP appeared to stop the lockups but having both enabled at the same time recreates the issue.

For reference im using a core i9 9900k, 32gb gskill ddr4, and an aorus pro wifi z390 mobo.

Looking at the system temps, utalization etc, i was able to see that when the system locked up there was a DRASTIC spike in memory usuage ranging from 5 ms to around 5 minutes (at the worst) memory usage would spike from 2 percent to 100% the system would lock, and when it recovered usage would be back to normal. This happens only when the arc menu extension is enabled AND xmp is enabled in the BIOS.

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