Gnome Freeze when i press win key

Hello everyone!!

As the tittle says, im having an issue with gnome…
When i press the win key (not always) gnome freezes and im not able to do anything… just reboot. :frowning:
Gnome wayland.

  ██████████████████  ████████   ---------------------------- 
  ██████████████████  ████████   OS: Manjaro Linux x86_64 
  ██████████████████  ████████   Host: B450 AORUS M 
  ████████            ████████   Kernel: 5.12.0-1-MANJARO 
  ████████  ████████  ████████   Uptime: 40 mins 
  ████████  ████████  ████████   Packages: 1227 (pacman) 
  ████████  ████████  ████████   Shell: zsh 5.8 
  ████████  ████████  ████████   Resolution: 1920x1080 
  ████████  ████████  ████████   DE: GNOME 3.38.4 
  ████████  ████████  ████████   WM: Mutter 
  ████████  ████████  ████████   WM Theme: Matcha-dark-sea 
  ████████  ████████  ████████   Theme: Matcha-sea [GTK2/3] 
  ████████  ████████  ████████   Icons: Papirus-Dark-Maia [GTK2/3] 
                                 Terminal: gnome-terminal 
                                 CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X (16) @ 3.700GHz 
                                 GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 5600 OEM/5600 XT / 5700/5 
                                 Memory: 1443MiB / 16012MiB

Not an uncommon problem, see: Activities in Gnome Shell broken with latest stable? - #3 by Hanzel

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So, it’s seems like it doesnt have a solution for now :frowning:

Not what I am aware off :-/

I was using Arch last week, and i didnt have any issue with gnome there… so maybe something its not updated


I just reinstalled Gnome , and replaced something during the installation… going to give a feebdack soon!
EDIT: nevermind, bugged again



It’s bugged on Xorg too…

faced the same problem but after the big update its alright now!

same problem here :confused: