Gnome 40 Release - Manjaro Timeline

Any news about Gnome shell 40.2 in the stable branch ? I see the Manjaro 21.0.7 Gnome version available but the Gnome shell version is still 3.38. When do you plan to provide a version of Manjaro with GNOME 40 (100%) ?



When the Dash to Dock extension gains Gnome 40 support, which it currently is still in development.

I upgraded to Gnome 40 and DTD seems to be fully functional nowā€¦

In this case, we will have to wait for a very very long time. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, could the Manjaro team tell us when a stable version of Gnome shell 40 will be available ? Iā€™m patient but this wait seems endless to me.


Seriously, could the Manjaro team tell us when a stable version of Gnome shell 40 will be available ? Iā€™m patient but this wait seems endless to me.

Correct me if I am wrong. They canā€™t, the layout-manager is included in the Manjaro gnome package, the Dash to Dock extension could still break the installation. So the Gnome 40 shell package is still unstable.

When > Gnome 40 support Ā· Issue #1358 Ā· micheleg/dash-to-dock Ā· GitHub canā€™t say when the extension is stable Manjaro team canā€™t either.

ps I am running Gnome 40 on the testing-branch and switched to Dash to Panel en like it a lot better. It runs very ā€œstableā€ for me :wink:

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Best solution possible at timeā€¦
Further enhancement:

  1. Extension: ā€œHot Edgeā€
  2. Dash to Panel: switch to ā€œonā€ : ā€œDisable show overview on startupā€

Dash to dock = seems to be DEAD - although:

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@remark: I didnā€™t make a test with the last Manjaro unstable development version, but I made test with a previous version. I can tell you that ā€˜Dash to dockā€™ and ā€˜Dash to panelā€™ extensions available in that unstable version worked (of course it was not perfect but it did the job). The gnome layout-manager worked too except with the tiling layout.

The support for ā€˜Dash to Dockā€™ extension is not dead for Gnome 40. They working hard to support it but it is not so easy as the Gnome 3.3x version.

We canā€™t wait indefinitely for the problematic extension to be ready. So hereā€™s a solution: Skip the ā€˜Dash to dockā€™ extension for now and use the default Gnome dock. Add the ā€˜dash to panelā€™ extension as a supplement since it seems stable. Readjust Gnome layout manager accordingly.

One last thing, I think that Gnome shell 40.2 version seems to be ready to be stable and be available in Linux distributions.


Switch to testing branch, upgrade gnome then switch back. Iā€™ve been using it for almost a week and aside from the odd extension bug, it is working flawlessly, in fact, some bugs in Gnome 3.38 got fixed that were very annoying :slight_smile:. Overall an upgrade.

Indeed, since the switch to testing branch some bluetooth issues disappeared, fans are less loud and cpu lowerā€¦ :star_struck:

@Yiannis128: Iā€™m waiting that a new Manjaro Gnome iso file (Gnome 40 complet and stable) be available to be installed on two computers. But for now, no news about it :frowning:

I think that the best solution will be to have a Manjaro Gnome version like Fedora (Vanilla) without problematic extensions for Gnome 40 and after. So, we should not wait many months.

Note: If Gnome shell 40.2 seems to be so good in testing branch why it is not available yet in the stable branch ?

I have also some issues with bluetooth in version 21.0.7. Is it possible to change to unstable branch, update and afterwards change back to stable branch?

Yes it is.

Agreed. Tried Fedora for a week and itā€™s brilliant with its vanilla Gnome 40 atm. Switched back because I had some issues with my VPN and Fedora is an absolute nightmare to get Docker up & running + Manjaro is a breeze when it comes to installing software.

Gnome 40 seems to solve a lot of issues Iā€™m currently having with Mutter and my nvidia optimus setup. I had them on Pop, Manjaro Gnome but not on Fedora. Switched back to Manjaro Gnome and there they are again. It just feels more snappy too.

(edit: I must add that I donā€™t have any extensions enabled except for the pamac indicator and user themes)

Would be better to go testing first as I would imagine the unstable branch being, wellā€¦ unstable.

ā€œunstableā€ is a relative term - Iā€™ve been using unstable branch as a daily driver for years now.


What packages do i have to upgrade from Testing to get gnome 40? If somebody could share that information, it would be appreciated.

All packages. It is all or nothing on a rolling distribution. No exceptions.

Thx, it worked like a charm. Hopefully, it will stay this way :smiley:

Fully agree. Imho, unstable branch is even more stable than stable branch. The majority of issues seem to slip through to stable anyways (sometimes even knowingly :frowning: ) and then youā€™re stuck with it for weeks whereas in unstable you get fixes much quicker.

I was on testing for about 2 years and then unstable roughly one year.
Never had any major issues. Of course you can have some quirks here and there, but all in all it is not that bad as the name ā€œunstableā€ would suggest.

Also the majority of issues reported seem to be somewhat hardware/driver related. And youā€™re better of with those kind of issues in unstable anywaysā€¦


You could, but I switched from stable to testing branch and not to unstable. Make a good back up to be safe. Good luck :+1: