Glslang returned 404 (testing branch)

I’ve got ‘“glslang-11.7.1-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst” from : The requested URL returned error: 404’ while trying to install glslang through pamac and pacman on testing branch (Got it from all other mirrors aswell)
By looking into mirror (and any other mirrors), glslang is at version 11.7.1-3
It seems glslang verison was not updated in testing and unstable branch’s database recently.
However, branch compare list them at 11.7.1-3 version: Manjaro - Branch Compare

When you have issues with a mirror, then switch to others and update the database and the system with:
sudo pacman-mirrors -f5 && sudo pacman -Syyu

glslang-11.7.1-3 is in Arch stable and Manjaro unstable and testing. Will take some time to hit stable branch. Make sure you understand how branches work on Manjaro