'GLIBCXX_3.4.30' not found when compiling gcc11

Hi guys,

I’m posting for help to solve the compile problem I’ve encountered when I’m trying to compile gcc11.2.
Host machine gcc version 14.1.1 20240522,
The command I used is just ./configure && make
The source code is downloaded from the official ftp site.

The detailed compile error message is:
msgfmt: /home/joey/Desktop/repos/jez_packages/gcc/src/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/libstdc+±v3/src/.libs/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.30’ not found (required by /home/joey/jez_packages/icu/lib/libicuuc.so.75)
make[5]: *** [Makefile:556: de.mo] Error 1

Thanks in advance.

Does it really need to be this specific old version?

The Linux from scratch project may hold info on how to go about to build that - or check the gentoo documentation.

There is the AUR - with many older versions available.

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Hi, the reason for this specific version is that I want to do some development for houdini which use this version of gcc and the official documents suggests to stick with the same version compiler.

I’ll check the documents you mentioned, but according the the output I believe there’s something wrong with my system. The installed icu libraries is referencing a uninstalled libstdc++ version, I guess.

The PKGBUILD for a similar version (11.4.0-1)
might give you some insight in what is involved in configuring the build and what other dependencies are needed for it.


Line 140 directly addressed my question, thank you.

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