Getting KDE Plasma shortcuts back from an old .config/

Hi there all,

Recently, I’ve moved my former .config/ directory to .config.old/ in order to start from scratch.
Meanwhile, I’d like to gather back my formerly configured KDE Plasma shortcut keys. I’ve tried to copy over the .config.old/kglobalshortcutsrc file to .config/kglobalshortcutsrc + reboot although to no effect.

Would anyone be able to potentially list what would be needed to achieve my goal?

Thanks a lot,
Kind regards,

New Plasma 6 will nuke those shortcuts anyway, because they got rid of the file or the package that saved them in Plasma 5. You need to set them up again after the update, so even if you get your shortcuts back now, you will have to set them again manually (old config won’t work).

Maybe check the file ~/.config/khotkeysrc from your old ~/.config folder?

Thanks guys – tried to copy the hot keys rc file to no success either… I’ll make my shortcuts anew…


Quite a few things changed, mostly for the better but some apparently just to confuse us :wink:

Many Ctrl shortcuts are now on Meta so you’ll need to spend some time to get used to things.

I’ve a launcher for it in ~/.local/share/applications/settings named shortcuts-app.desktop

Roughly edited I ended up with this (if you create, open in Kate)

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Launch kcmshell6 Keyboard Shortcuts module
Exec=kcmshell6 kcm_keys

Makes for a more concise window and can run alongside other settings :wink: