After the update there’s a pretty big gap on the pop up menu on google chrome, this only happens on chrome not firefox etc, is this a problem with chrome only? I’m using i3wm, how do I fix it ?
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Doesn’t happen for me. It looks like your theme is obsolete, but not sure which one (browser’s, system’s?). Revert to defaults and see if this still happens.
My guess is the issue is with GTK theme.
I have exactly the same problem. I have tried several themes, the classic chrome theme also, no change. Did you resolve this?
Ensure your system is up-to-date - reboot if necessary
sudo pacman -Syu
Revert to default theming - GTK, Plasma or both - logout - login and check if the issue persist.
Google Chrome has been installed using a custom build script.
Just a reminder: Even the Add / Remove Software application can build custom scripts, AUR and the resulting package is unsupported - both with Arch and Manjaro.