Function Access Check By Type And Audit AlarmA not found in advapi32.dll

When I start my program it says:

Function AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarmA not found inadvapi32.dll

What should be the solution?

Check the status of your software on

It’s hard to give advise, without any context what so ever.

I can assume you are running in Wine, only because you tagged your post with wine. Other than that, this could just as well have been an error from a Windows installation.

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Yeah, was started by wine.
I checked at the wine.hq without result.

Even a working program will output A LOT of errors in Wine logs. Start your issue the proper way by explaining what you are trying to do, with what, and how.

I try to use the SED.exe from 3D Gamestudio suit.
I load a source code into the SED and start there. The program running is OK, but there are those messages.
Here is how the SED is defined in wine:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=SED Script Editor
Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/myuser/.wine" wine C:\\\\windows\\\\command\\\\start.exe /Unix /home/myuser/.wine/dosdevices/c:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start\\ Menu/Programs/Gamestudio\\ A8/SED\\ Script\\ Editor.lnk

Let me know if it was improper or do you need more data.
Remark: I can’t found any log for wine, or I don’t know where should do that.

If you don’t have issues, I would say do not try to fix it :slight_smile:

According to WINE HQ this program should work properly under WINE.

If it is a graphical, or more generally if it renders 3D I would use a more ‘advanced’ version of WINE instead of the base pure Wine, with the help of tools like Lutris (which provides a modified Wine executable with many patches for 3D rendering, video games, things like that).

But at the end of the day, if it works, and you don’t have issues, just profit and don’t worry about ‘errors’, as I said even a fully working program will have A LOT of errors in WINE logs/console. That’s how it is. Just worry the day you have a real issue.


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