Full system update with pamac

How can I make full system update with pamac?

I want to use analog of this command

sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack && sudo pacman -Syyuu

The reason I want to replace pacman with pamac is because pamac can update AUR packages as well while pacman works with official repos only.

pamac update

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I’d just like to point out that it is generally a good idea to update the system first, then the AUR packages.

In this case, I’d recommend sudo pacman -Syu followed with pamac upgrade -a … you could combine those as a one-liner using && for example, if you wish.


according to the manual page of pamac it would be:
pamac update --no-aur
pamac upgrade --no-aur

I don’t know the difference between the two - I even purged pamac from one of my systems since I do not use it anyway.
Only pacman and yay for AUR.

… why not simply use the command that you initially posted?

No pamac equivalent. pacman-mirrors is stand alone.

This would be equal to

pamac update --force-refresh --enable-downgrade --no-aur

But I dont know that you need/want both of those flags.

We would not normally use -Syyuu but rather -Syu which would be equal to

pamac update --no-aur

But since you explicitly want the AUR upgrade component then

pamac update

Yes, I want to force refresh because mirrors are not always synchronized.

I can launch pacman -Syu some_app and system says there is nothing new.
But I know version is released. So I launch pacman -Syyuu some_app and it’s updated as it should.
Later I added downloading of mirror list in front of this command and save this one-liner it in my .bashrc as alias

alias sup="sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack && sudo pacman -Syyuu"

sup is shot for system update

Thats odd - pointing at the package directly should start to install/reinstall it.
And we dont need to point to anything in order to start an upgrade.

Odd again - pacman virtually never gives false results.
It also rarely, if ever, requires forced-resync.

Are you not sure you arent trying to get around some other problem … like a broken mirror or something?


Maybe you are right that pacman is good now.
This my one-liner is very old when these problems in update process happened.

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