Hi, I have a simple question. Does unstable 5.7 kernel support FSync? Or is there a kernel which supports FSync in unstable branch? Thanks.
The AUR has fsync kernels…
Otherwise, no, none of the manjaro kernels have fsync patch.
I see. I’ve heard about linux-zen
kernel which has Fsync patch included, in official Arch repos. Again, read a post in the old forum, which was about manjaro 5.7 kernel and fsync patch. Ok then. Thanks for your reply.
But … there is no linux-zen in official repos. Just Arch User Repository
Doesnt mean you cant use it though.
Sorry, my bad. I meant Arch Linux official repositories.
It isnt there either … only in AUR
Oh, I don’t think so.
oh. huh. and for a while too. Coulda sworn otherwise, and I think the wiki still says so.
heh. I stand corrected
Haha, no problem. Thanks for all your help.
The fsync - patches were added to Kernel 5.7 - that was announced in a testing update announcement on the old forum. It is still present (it is called “futex-patch” here: PKGBUILD · master · Packages / Core / linux57 · GitLab)
Those patches are also added to Kernel 5.8, see here: PKGBUILD · master · Packages / Core / linux58 · GitLab
You don’t need to be on unstable branch for the fsync support.
@cscs Have you heard about that?
It seems both those kernels have the futex patch … so it seems if yes.
had some time to look into the old forum:
Intial request:
First announcement that fsync was added:
You might want to change the solution marker as the marked solution is incorrect.
I got it, but there is a reason why I’m looking for theese patches at unstable branch. I use that branch. If unstable kernels don’t include the patches, I might switch to Arch.
it does not matter which branch you are on. The kernels are build from the same PKGBUILD’s. Therefore ALL 5.7 and 5.8 kernels include the patches.
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