Your mount line in fstab is not equivalent to the usage on commandline.
You would need to pass your options with the -o option to the mount command - otherwise you will get a bad usage response. Not all fstab options make sense when uing a manual mount.
mount -t cifs -o bla1,bla2,bla3 //ip.x.y.z /path/to/mount/point
The most oommon cause as to why users keep using fstab to mount is because the mount command does not allow for user mount.
There is other methods - like this one - which can be executed as user - no root required - supply credentials when challenged.
gio mount smb://ip.x.y.z/sharename
If you would like to explore that further there is this [root tip] [Utility Script] GIO mount samba share
Another common cause when Samba is acting up on Arch based system is AppArmor - the previously linked topic contains some info on this - although this is most relevant when sharing folders from a Manjaro system.