FPS stuck at 59.93Hz

I have the problem that xfce scales down to 59.93Hz, how can I solve this so that this is 60Hz? — The whole thing causes minimal screen flickering. System Information below.
Thank for your help.

  Host: BlackBox Kernel: 6.8.5-1-MANJARO arch: x86_64 bits: 64
  Desktop: Xfce v: 4.18.1 Distro: Manjaro Linux
  Device-1: AMD Navi 10 [Radeon RX 5600 OEM/5600 XT / 5700/5700 XT]
    driver: amdgpu v: kernel
  Device-2: Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam driver: snd-usb-audio,uvcvideo
    type: USB
  Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 21.1.12 driver: X: loaded: amdgpu
    unloaded: modesetting,radeon gpu: amdgpu resolution: 1920x1080~60Hz
  API: EGL v: N/A drivers: N/A platforms: device
  API: OpenGL Message: No GL data available.
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1920 x 1080, maximum 16384 x 16384
DisplayPort-0 disconnected
DisplayPort-1 disconnected
DisplayPort-2 disconnected
HDMI-A-0 connected 1920x1080+0+0 477mm x 268mm
   1920x1080     59.93*+
   1600x1200     60.00  
   1680x1050     59.88  
   1280x1024     60.02  
   1440x900      59.90  
   1280x960      60.00  
   1280x800      59.91  
   1280x720      59.93  
   1024x768      60.00  
   800x600       60.32    56.25  
   640x480       59.94

[quote=“pheiduck, post:1, topic:159770”]
how can I solve this so that this is 60Hz?
From your xrandr output: Use either resolution of:

  • 1600x1200
  • 1280x960
  • 1024x768

I have a high doubt the flickers happen due to missing 0.07Hz of monitor refresh rate. Feel free to prove it by using above resolutions.

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But here you can see my real resolution from my connected monitor.

I’m not sure why nothing is displayed, maybe something is missing?
Also with sudo output is the same.

you can ask me for intel,nvidia and old amd-radeon’s but i’m not familiar with the actual amd-gpu-driver. but it’s obvious that the amd-gpu driver isn’t working properly and some things aren’t installed/working as they should. you should dig inside the driver-installation. as said the 0.07 Hz are a simple fluctuating and do not cause the malfunction.

That ~ means an approximation, not an exact number.

It is common for monitors not to support exact number due to hardware limitations. But that close to 60 can still be interpreted as 60, just like how inxi displays as it is meant for human reading. xrandr, however, is more technical and reads its output from the monitor directly.

Again, this is not something you should worry about and is not the cause of the flickering. I can even set my monitor to 30Hz and there will be no flicker, it will be 30Hz smooth. That EGL not available is more likely to be the problem, so rendering falls back to software, which is slow and can indeed introduce flickering.

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According to the xrandr output 59.93 is the exact refresh rate and the proper one, with that resolution, and it is the default for this monitor.

Maybe with properly loaded drivers it would change, check on this driver issue first and see if things change when it is corrected.

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My monitor also runs at 59.93Hz (xrandr says 60Hz mode is available but 59.93Hz is the preferred mode). There is no flickering. Your problem is something else, most likely missing OpenGL drivers as others have pointed out. Is mesa even installed?

$ inxi -Gz
  Device-1: AMD Navi 21 [Radeon RX 6800/6800 XT / 6900 XT] driver: amdgpu
    v: kernel
  Device-2: USB C Video Adaptor driver: N/A type: USB
  Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 21.1.12 with: Xwayland v: 23.2.6 driver: X:
    loaded: amdgpu unloaded: modesetting,radeon dri: radeonsi gpu: amdgpu
    resolution: 1920x1080~60Hz
  API: EGL v: 1.5 drivers: radeonsi,swrast platforms: x11,surfaceless,device
  API: OpenGL v: 4.6 compat-v: 4.5 vendor: amd mesa v: 24.0.2-manjaro1.1
    renderer: AMD Radeon RX 6800 (radeonsi navi21 LLVM 16.0.6 DRM 3.54
  API: Vulkan v: 1.3.279 drivers: radv surfaces: xcb,xlib

$ xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1920 x 1080, maximum 16384 x 16384
DisplayPort-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DisplayPort-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DisplayPort-2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI-A-0 connected primary 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 598mm x 336mm
   1920x1080     59.93*+  60.00    50.00    59.94    30.00    24.00    29.97    23.98  
   1680x1050     59.95  
   1280x1024     75.02    60.02  
   1440x900      59.93  
   1280x960      75.04  
   1280x800      59.93  
   1152x864      75.00    59.97  
   1280x720      60.00    60.00    50.00    59.94  
   1024x768      75.03    70.07    60.00  
   832x624       74.55  
   800x600       75.00    60.32  
   720x576       50.00  
   720x480       60.00    59.94  
   640x480       75.00    60.00    59.94  
   720x400       70.08  

yes, mesa is installed, I forgot that I use mesa-nonfree on my Stable Linux Box… All fine now.
On the other hand it can be the wire due I use hdmi to DVI as my Monitor have no hdmi.

  Device-1: AMD Navi 10 [Radeon RX 5600 OEM/5600 XT / 5700/5700 XT]
    driver: amdgpu v: kernel
  Device-2: Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam driver: snd-usb-audio,uvcvideo
    type: USB
  Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 21.1.12 driver: X: loaded: amdgpu
    unloaded: modesetting,radeon dri: radeonsi gpu: amdgpu
    resolution: 1920x1080~60Hz
  API: EGL v: 1.5 drivers: radeonsi,swrast platforms: x11,surfaceless,device
  API: OpenGL v: 4.6 compat-v: 4.5 vendor: amd mesa v: 24.0.2-manjaro1.1
    renderer: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT (radeonsi navi10 LLVM 16.0.6 DRM 3.57

Just try to reproduce the flickers by touching/moving your adapter, it is most likely the cause of your issues (not really most likely, but it is the most probable thing for now).

As I said earlier the Flickering is not a thing anymore.

I must have missed that


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