Forum on Manjaro 20.1rc4 badly supports Chinese

I set my system language to Chinese, I installed Chinese language packages for Firefox and changed my font for Firefox to Noto Sans CJK SC for simplified Chinese.

But all the fonts on other websites changed except Manjaro Forum where some characters are still using Japanese styles.

我的 vivaldi 显示挺正常的 :thinking:

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Can you give examples about characters which are still Japanese styles, like a screenshot.

Maybe this helps: 安装Manjaro之后的配置 | 辛未羊的网络日志

I am using GNOME now and I changed the /etc/fonts/conf.d/64-language-selector-prefer.conf and that would be OK.

I was just wondering that it was only a little problem which can be solved by installing language packages but now it is complex.

绿色的图标,是octopi吗? 你不使用manjaro预装的包管理器吗?

感觉 octopi 挺好用的,毕竟以前用 Debian 系发行版的时候用惯了新立得 :sweat_smile:


需要额外安装, octopi-notifier-frameworksoctopi-notifier-qt5


Could somebody please help me out. I struggle to set up Chinese keyboard input for few weeks now. I am very new user and have no experience with Manjaro.

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先安裝 manjaro-asian-input-support-fcitx 試試

Thank you very much.
Sorry its KDE plasma. I am not a native Chinese speaker but started taking some Chinese lessons and need the Chinese keyboard to practice
Just tried now but it said: “command not found”

The complete command should be sudo pacman -S manjaro-asian-input-support-fcitx.

Thank you, but still says the same: “command not found”. Maybe I do something incorrect ? Is this command for KDE Plasma?

pacman is the package manager of manjaro. It’s strange that your computer doesn’t have this command.

How did you install the software without this?

I bought Tuxedo laptop with Manjaro KDE plasma installed by the manufacturer.

Without pacman, there is no way to update the system. Your system may not be manjaro, at least not a normal manjaro. In this case, you may need to reinstall manjaro.
Can you try these two commands and post a screenshot like this?

Does it work for all the apps? In my case I’m using BSPWM Community version of Manjaro and I have no problem to start the daemon and work with some apps, but as far as I can tell, it does not work with Telegram-desktop (it works just fine with Firefox).

It is basically a simple wrap of fcitx. In theory, software based on Qt or gtk should support it. The only one I know that does not support it is steam.

I have seen someone who can’t use it with telegram, but I can.

Long time ago, when I used Ubuntu 6.10, I had the same exact problem with issue with Chinese. I “solved” doing a command. I guess that the command has to force the software to use qt or gtk.
Thanks for your info, I will try to deep in this issue and if I find a solution I’ll post it here.