I installed the forticlient-vpn [AUR (en) - forticlient-vpn] Package and configured my vpn connection settings.
When I want to connect there should appear another textbox for me to enter the token (like 2FA).
While this works well in Windows, the textbox doesn’t appear on Manjaro Linux (I am on sway). My blind guess is that it is some sort of GUI issue, unfortunately there are no error messages in command line and I don’t know how to get around this.
Just a thought:
reading the list of dependencies, there are some optional dependencies
for polkit authentication in Mate, Kde, Gnome …
Are any of them there - and active?
I’m not sure whether installation via pamac-gui would ask you whether you want one or all of these or whether you’d have to take care of these yourself.
It did ask me during installation to choose from those optional polkit dependencies. As I am on sway I wasn’t entirely sure if and which one to choose. As polkit-gnome is one of them and was already installed on my system I thought this should be sufficient in my case.
I will try the other forticlient package (AUR (en) - forticlient) later, maybe there is a difference there.
I don’t know sway - but I guess it’s rather minimalistic (I could be wrong).
In the other DE like Gnome, KDE and so on, such polkit agent is autostarted upon log in.
Not sure whether that is the case with sway.
… this and the previous post is only speculation, not based upon knowledge on my part