Forgot user and root pw, ssd is luks encrypted

I forgot my password for my user / root PW. The SSD is luks encrypted, I still know the encryption Password. I know about the Live USB + passwd process. I just don’t know how I would go about that in combination with the SSD being encrypted. can someone help?

If you mean using the Live USB to chroot, or manjaro-chroot into the encrypted drive then this might help [Solved] Can not mount partition to manjaro-chroot from live-usb.


I know nothing about LUKS.

But if all you need to do is reset your password, that is pretty simple.

  • Boot live image
  • (manajro-)chroot in
  • Type passwd for root
  • Or passwd USER
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what @Molski said might be the easiest way

To be able to use manjaro-chroot on an encrypted system like yours, you have to open the encrypted container first.

  • boot live image

  • do not use your file manager to access your encrypted volume as it will only complicate things

  • open a terminal and type:
    lsblk -f

  • from the output, learn what your encrypted partitions name is and use that in the next step
    it will look like this, for instance:

├─sdb1 vfat        FAT32       84B9-0375                                           
└─sdb2 crypto_LUKS 2           73213ab9-5c8c-4c2a-a397-aa321ebfd4ec

where sdb2 is the encrypted partition

  • open the encrypted container:

sudo cryptsetup open /dev/sdb2 encrypted

  • you will be asked for your encryption password

after that, the encrypted partition can be accessed as /dev/mapper/encrypted
mount this to /mnt:

sudo mount /dev/mapper/encrypted /mnt

  • then you can use manjaro-chroot like this:

manjaro-chroot /mnt /bin/bash

and reset your password like @Molski said

when you are done, type “exit
then you can reboot …


Thank you Sir, that’s what I was looking for!

Also thanks to the others :slight_smile: