Font in Alt-Fx consoles

I want to change font in console in cli using another one called Camingo Code:

otf2bdf -r 72 -p 24 "/usr/share/fonts/TTF/CamingoCode-Regular.ttf" -o "camingocode-regular-24.bdf"


sed -i -e "s/AVERAGE_WIDTH .*/AVERAGE_WIDTH 130/" "camingocode-regular-24.bdf"
bdf2psf --fb "camingocode-regular-24.bdf" "/usr/share/bdf2psf/standard.equivalents" \
      "/usr/share/bdf2psf/required.set+/usr/share/bdf2psf/useful.set" 256 "camingocode-regular-24.psf"

that’s what I found you do, later you add FONT= in /etc/vconsole.conf but bdf2psf doesn’t have /usr/share/bdf2psf/required.set - any ideas about howto?

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Useful reading but I haven’t found on these sites what to do about missing required.set which I asked?

Where did you find that information? Perhaps the answer to your question can be found there also. If not, I found Convert .bdf/.pcf font to .psf(u) for using as consolefont? which gives what appears to be the same commandline.

That post also points to a How to in another post; and in that other post are links – one to a package file gohufont-bdf-2.0.tar.gz, and another to the download page for bdf2psf_1.223_all.deb.

Is it possible the required.set you seek may be in one of those packages?

You are asking a generic question about the result of your conversion.

A conversion you have done using tools where noone knows where they are obtained.

Then you ask why your result is not as expected - and wants to know how to fix your result.

How did you arrive at the conclusion which involves the mentioned utilities and the commands used?

This kind of question is and xyproblem kind of question

What can one do other thanpoint you to the Arch wiki pages on fonts?

Your responses are “end of discussion”, “it’s your fault”, strangely I anticipated this.

Perhaps yes, but I think you’re assuming wrong, the problem I’m facing is “how to make fonts in Alt-F? console larger” and “how to use another font in console”, text on my FHD computer’s screen is very small, not easy to read without eyestrain, I don’t think I’m only person that has/had that problem, and while it might be generic I’d say it’s quite common issue when using Manjaro on a modern computer and someone must know something about that or one should be able to find it in Manjaro wiki, it’s a problem that can occur to people as quickly as after installing Manjaro.

Run Pamac, enable AUR support, look for otf2bdf, look for bdf2psf - you don’t have to look far, and even if you searched on google it would find it readily :).

You did well, if you care to look at my reply you’ll see “Useful reading” - I happened to say that man, please don’t be so critical.
I’m going to delve into reply above, it could have data on this that would lead to solving.

What is it that you want?
Use a font that is already there?

Or use a different font - one that you converted, for use in console, using the tools you mentioned,
and are now struggling to be recognized?

What is it that you actually want to do?
What is the desired outcome?
What is the way you chose to achieve it?

Perhaps specifying that from the onset might have been beneficial, rather than leaving to guesswork what your actual intent is.

I found this after 5 seconds of searching, which may (or may not) be helpful to your quest: How to increase the TTY fontsize.

The search term I used was “archlinux increase font size in TTY”, which should eventually generate some useful results.

Ctrl + + should increase the browser font size, if desired.

@Markospox – This in particular, might be helpful: My fonts are too tiny.


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Thank you!

It must be that:

I found this reference in the Ubuntu bdf2psf manpages:

There two more special character sets in the files required.set and useful.set. The first of them lists the symbols that every console font is obligated to support. There two classes of obligatory symbols - the ASCII symbols and the symbols from the so called alternate character set.

(see section “Line Graphics” of terminfo.)

These files are apparently found in the source code of fontconfig. Also, they may be simply internal references rather than actual files you need to acquire separately.

However, I don’t know specifically; you will need to do your own homework.

See Font Configuration and Font Configuration/Examples; previously indicated by @linux-aarhus in Post 2 for fontconfig information.

Note:- It should also be understood that using commands likely related to a Debian/Ubuntu implementation of bdf2psf will probably fail on an ArchLinux based distribution such as Manjaro.

You provides no context - leaving us to guess.

We are all users GNU applications running atop of Manjaro compiled kernel - but none of us can is capable of reading what is not written.

Please don’t assume anyone to understand your thought process without explaining in detail what you are doing - how you arrived at the result - the result you are now asking for help to fix.

I apologize - no intention - possibly a mild frustration - nothing else.

Console fonts are limited to 256 or 512 chars - if I remember correct - perhaps the conversion you are doing caps the font - I am guessing … I may be complety of track …

I am thinking that you could use kmscon - as this will make it possible to use other unicode fonts e.g. with glyphs etc.

You obtained the binaries using custom packages from AUR.

If the usage of said custom packages is providing the expected result you should look at the upstream source as shown at the relevant AUR page.

Then look at the original authors pages for an answer - if none is found you likely have an option to create an issue at the source repo.


Another consideration is FontForge for font conversions; a convenient GUI application which may make the process easier.

FontForge is available from the Arch/Manjaro Extra repo:

sudo pacman -S fontforge