Flotsam-stream of questions

[Disclaimer: I have looked over https://askubuntu.com/questions/822757/editing-os-names-in-etc-default-grub-where-is-the-os-name-read-from and found nothing similar on the ManjArchO forums]

I am pretty sure this will drag this topic waaay off the ruts, but here goes:

  • It seems to be modprobe/osprobe used by grub-mkconfig or update-grub that is deciding my installation of Lubuntu 21.10 ought to be called Ubuntu 21.10, possibly based on something other than uname -a, which (at least within Lubuntu) comes up with Lubuntu. This is just a quick example, apparently Ubuntu MATE 21.10 is also seen as Ubuntu 21.10 by whatever OS probing is being done by update-grub.
  • There is a confusion to me (admitted arch noob, but a slight noob on noobUntu, with a lengthy history of Windows useage dating back to the VMS days which probably translates to ‘prehistoric’ or ‘pre-Cambrian’ for this forum) between /etc/default/grub and /etc/default.grub – the latter is referenced at least twice in this thread, and appears to be null content in my fresh Manjaro install.
  • Bottom line, if there’s any way to rename Ubuntu 21.10 in my grub OS-lists to Lubuntu 21.10 that will survive update-grub I would be all ears … none of the suggestions above fill the bill, and I believe what I read in the header lines of grub.cfg, at least that it won’t survive past the next update-grub.

To me, flow chart looks like: 1) let’s see if I (efibootmgr) can find anything in the prime UEFI partition that called me. 2) If I do, I run lsb_release -i -s against the /etc directory of that thing I found in 1. 3) If update-grub is run afterwards, I will unleash os-prober against both the /boot/efi directory I was launched from, and the device’s “prime” EFI launcher, where I chainload to /boot/efi from. So if I unplug my USB SSD containing the Manjaro installation, I will still see both Lubuntu and Windows as boot candidates on my Surface Pro tablet.

The strangeness comes in when I run update-grub on the Lubuntu installation, and it comes back LU-buntu, not U-buntu!


Easy answer to that flotsam-stream of questions I posted above: just mount each OS you want the prober to name the way you want, edit (as sudo) the /etc/lsb-release to whatever you want and then run update-grub … it works like a champ, assuming everything will boot normally (think they will), and no efibootmgr/grub-muddler/grub-customizer needed!

I validated all the OS’es don’t really care what is in the contents of /etc/lsb-release (but will probably change the contents next time you do-release-upgrade (incidentally that will cause an update-grub to occur within that OS, but that won’t affect Manjaro’s grub menu).