Using this distro for many years, I am seeing a degradation of a lot of features - currently the problem of loosing the local language (here german) after updating the language packages with the MSM app.
To reproduce:
Setup a non english manjaro with xfce. Confirm in firefox the local language.
Update the language packages with the MSM app.
Open firefox and the settings are reverted to “english”. Hail to Philip Müller (German native and creator of Manjaro)
Perhaps you could list those in a Feedback topic…
I’m sure @philm and others would be interested to read your opinions; otherwise, this was a wasted comment on your part.
I edited your topic title and OP to correct the reference to MSM.
It seems to be a firefox issue.
The settings manager - installing language packs - uses pacman to sync the packages.
Thus you may execute the same action manually.
Last but not least - the language you select for firefox is stored locally in ~/.mozilla and syncing a language package will not change that.
Don’t blame on Manjaro, it’s a Firefox issue. And the solution is easy: create a new profile.
… and, in Firefox, going to “Settings” → “General” and scroll down to the “Language” section and (re)setting it there doesn’t do what is expected?
Looks correctly set but still isn’t?
… die Einstellung in Firefox vom Menü aus → Einstellungen → Allgemein → runterscrollen zu “Sprache”
(und gleich daneben "Alternative Sprachen)
setzen bzw. neu setzen geht nicht?
Sieht richtig aus, ist aber trotzdem falsch?
… create a new profile and then re-import the things you care about and don’t want to lose …
… neues Profil erstellen und dann Passwörter und was sonst noch wichtig ist re-importieren …
Just FYI, the…
…was Roland Singer.
Roland was one of the founders and developed the initial infrastructure and tools.
– Former Team Members – Manjaro
Here’s a quote from @philm:
I was in the Arch forum and I saw there was this post1 by Roland Singer and he said he was doing a new project called Manjaro
– Spotlight on Manjaro Linux: Interview with the team - Blog - Framework Community
1 Manjaro Linux Distribution / Community Contributions / Arch Linux Forums
I did, and it did not gain much attention. Whereas the more tech savvy Arch Linux forums took my complaints more seriously (e.g. concerning the black screen of LDM after wakeup). So my impression is NOT that this forum is trying to solve problems, rather to downplay it…
Thanks for clearing this up - I didn’t know… Anyhow I still think that this distro is about the best you can get - but trying to make it better was easier some years ago.
Yes, resetting the language worked, but I didn’t have to do it before as I was surprised. Hence this thread…
Where is the topic you created?
Like here
So, you haven’t listed anything about “a degradation of a lot of features” as you claim, in a Feedback topic as suggested.
I did, and it did not gain much attention.
You did not.
However, looking at your link from 2022 that you thought would somehow work instead, I note that six Members attempted to help with that issue.
It’s true that your topic doesn’t seem to have attracted much additional attention before you abandoned it;
…but returning after 4 months with comments like;
“For anyone that might care (the manjaro devs obviously don’t)”
…apparently because you failed to find a solution earlier; is hardly conducive to inviting quality assistance.
I suggest you re-think your general strategy.
That topic has now been closed.
Thanks for your reply. I will continue to observe this forum
Firefox settings is stored in user’s profile.
Installing packages does not change settings stored in user’s profile
This topic is going nowhere → closed