Files *sig in /var/lib/pacman/sync

I have question about pamac update, when I tried to update with pamac update files core.db.sig community.db.sig and others appear and caused pacman broke, it is corrupt or something, please help me?

run upadate again, and copy the error output here

When I start update using

pamac update

And .sig file is appear then update error
I don’t know what happen, but issue about .sig file is gone. After .sig file is gone, I try to update with another commands

yay update or yay -Syu

but when I use the two commands nothing to update and update notifications too gone, is it because the package from AUR is corrupt or anything?
Sorry, I can’t take screenshot because the issue is already gone, but I am curious why when I update use

pamac update

the updating is error and appear file .sig and when I try

yay -Syu

the update is gone

i dont understand, so you dont longer have the issue, or do you still have the issue when you use ‘pamac update’ ? if you still get the error, just copy it here

Hi @Katasrofi, and welcome!

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Thank you for the advice, I’m is the newcomer in this forum, so you advise is great help for me

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