Figuring out what PinePhone version is running

Creating this thread to address the question being asked in ARM Beta4 thread.

Essentially, how does one figure out if they are running a stable or unstable version on their Pinephone?

@SameExpert advised to use

cat /etc/pacman.conf in the terminal.

I entered that in the Terminal and did not see

cat /etc/pacman.conf | grep -A1 “[kde-unstable]”

If you use the Plasma Mobile edition it’s easy.

If you cat /etc/pacman.conf:

  1. If [mobile] is present, you use the stable build.
  2. If [kde-unstable] is present, you guessed it, you are using the unstable build.

Thank you @Strit. I did not see anything within all the text that appeared in the Terminal after typing in that code, which said “kde-unstable”

I did see a line which said:
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist”

I assume this would mean I am using the stable release?

Correct. At least running an image based on the Stable Plasma packages, but you could still be on unstable branch.

Check with pacman-mirrors command.

It seems it’s stable build, but still the apps are misaligned and you see desktop’s apps (like Workspace Behavior settings)? :thinking:
This is strange…
Even in dev build it’s not like this…

Can you please give me the output of:

cat /etc/manjaro-arm-version

That way, I can check the same image and see if I have the same issue.

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Ok, I entered “pacman-mirrors” and what I see is:

"pacman-mirrors version 4.21.2

Local mirror status for arm-stable branch"

(followed by some lines of text which I dont believe are necessary for me to type out)

So, I would assume I am running the stable release?

The whole reason why I ever even wondered whether or not I was running a stable or unstble release was because I had asked why some of my apps (which came with the phone) were not windowed correctly. Meaning, they will extend off the edge of my screen. I was wondering why this would be.

For example, “System Settings and Workspace Behavior” the options run off the edges of the screen. And a poster mentioned that this could be a sign I am running a unstable release.

I understand its a beta release phone, but I would love for it to be my daily driver, as I dont really even use my cell phones for much other than calling family. However, I would like to be running my Pinephone as optimized as possible.

PS: how do I copy the commands/text to make them have those cool gray boxes? :sweat_smile:

Yup thats exactly right.

The readout states:

“pinephone - plasma-mobile - 20210306”

Apologies for not replying in one response. I didnt see these responses.

Easy. Just find out which button does that :wink:



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And this issue, it’s out of my knowledge. @Strit can help you in this…

I think I got it?

@Strit Did you see this ?

So you flashed a Manjaro ARM image for the PinePhone and opened up the “Settings” app and it has all the Workspace Behaviour etc?
Because that is not present by default in images provided by us. That sounds like you got regular Plasma settings application installed for some reason.

Well I am so new, I dont fully understand what “flashed” means. But all I have done so far is what you guys instructed me on previously.

But, yes. Opening up “Settings” has things like “Workspace Behavior” etc in it. And the text of this app (and others) just runs off the sides of my screen.

To “flash” is to write a filesystem “image” directly to a flash memory device (SD, emmc, thumb drives), completely over-writing whatever was previously written. There are multiple methods to accomplish it (dd, etcher, Manjaro ARM flasher), but in the end, the results are the same… a new filesystem (often with a complete OS) written to the “flashed” device.

To “flash” is to write a filesystem “image” directly to a flash memory device (SD, emmc, thumb drives), completely over-writing whatever was previously written. There are multiple methods to accomplish it (dd, etcher, Manjaro ARM flasher), but in the end, the results are the same… a new filesystem (often with a complete OS) written to the “flashed” device.

I did not do this at all. I am simply using the phone as it came out of the box

@Strit Any thoughts on this?

Polite Bump.

The reason there has been no answer, is because we simply have no idea how you got into that situation. We have not been able to reproduce it.

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Wow, I see. Thats crazy. Is there any other information I can provide to help?