Feedback on new inxi feature for Packages: report: installed tools

I’m about to roll out a new feature that lists known tools for a packagemanager. This is running currently in pinxi (pinxi -U if you have it installed, and wget -O /usr/local/bin/pinxi if you don’t), and will be in next inxi.

This is the list of the package manager tools inxi will check for (excluding pacman, which is already listed as pm: pacman):

‘pacaur’,‘pakku’,‘pamac’,‘paru’, ‘pikaur’,

Are there are any missing from this that should be there, or any that should not be there?

This was taken from the arch package manager doc page, so should be reasonably current, plus some legacy ones like yaourt

It will look like so, and looks like so in current pinxi:

pinxi -ray1
    pm: pacman
       pkgs: 2439
         libs: 1034
       tools: pamac,yay

The -rx/-Ix Packages feature is getting a significant redo to correct some long standing weaknesses, and to add a bit more functionality.

Tools that don’t strike me as being that important to list are things like a gui wrapper for a cli tool, that doesn’t add any real feature or functionality to the cli tool, since that could get kind of verbose and not really add much useful data.

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