Fasttrack NeoVim

NeoVim is a very necessary package and fasttracking it would be very helpful, if I am correct. (And since 0.7.0 is released, many plugins are broken as for now, which breaks the workflow until 0.7 hits stable branch). What are others’ opinion? Is there any security risk for fasttracking it?

Let me ping the team about it.


Is possiible, just have to check about dependencies first …
For example I see that new dependency libvterm01 doesn’t exist yet on stable branch


Done. Please verify that it’s actually working on stable branch as soon as it hits your mirror!


[New Packages]

Is it really a package that needs fasttracking? I mean, it’s a CLI based text editor.

I would argue that nano would be a better candidate for fast-tracking as that’s what we use on all editions by default.

If the reason is that compatibility with upstream plugins (are these built in, or available in AUR?), then wouldn’t Ubuntu/Debian also have this issue. If it’s because the plugins are in AUR, then it’s because AUR is targetted at Arch repositories and therefore is not expected to always work with Manjaro’s Stable branch and should not be fasttracked in my opinion.

This is just my opinion.


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