Fastpace audio throw HDMI after upgrading monitor

I recently replaced my 1080 monitor to a 4k, 60hz monitor.
When I use the audio through HDMI it has a high pitch and it is fast speed.
If I change the display refresh hate to 30hz the audio goes back to normal.
If I use any other audio source it works normally.
Looks like some bug/miss configuration with the GPU HDMI and the sync of audio and video frequency.

I found someone with a similar issue here: [SOLVED] HDMI sound output is high pitched but his solution did not work for me, he’s also using a different video card.

I’m using a RX 580 with video-linux drive.

There’s this other case with the same video card: [SOLVED] AMD RX 580 - All videos play too fast - Playback speed is too high and sound is accelerated - Drivers - Manjaro Linux Forum
but he solved by removing a cable not connected to anything.

Anyone would have an idea on how to fix this?

mhwd -li
> Installed PCI configs:
                  NAME               VERSION          FREEDRIVER           TYPE
           video-linux            2018.05.04                true            PCI