Fast Change Directory

While searching for comfortable ways of working with a terminal or the KDE konsole, I came across a script that allows me to quickly search my computer for a specific folder and switch to it. If there are several directories with the same name, I get an overview and can select the one I am looking for.
The source of it is
(Pardon, the layout options of this forum are a horrortrip for me. What you see bold is in reality a line starting with #) The code is

# Fast change directory. Should be sourced from ~/.bashrc file, since it is and
# needs to be a function.
#	Update Ver.1.1, 2021-03-03
#		Bugfix for missing results when fast changing to "bin", thanks to m_bostaurus.
#	Update Ver.1.0, 2021-02-07
#		changed from egrep to mapfile, see code. Handles blanks in paths now flawlessly.
#   Update Ver.0.9, 2013-08-21, comments, publication
#   Prototyp 2010
# This program depends on locate/updatedb, which aren't always installed/activated.
# If you use the shell on a regular basis, you should have them installed, though.
#	(c) GPLv3 (2010, 2021)
fcd ()
	# list=$(locate $1 | egrep "/$1$"); # Version 1
    # update 12.02.2021
    # mapfile -d '' list < <(locate -b -0 -r "$suchdirname$")
    # update 19.02.2021
    mapfile -d '' list < <(locate -b -0 -r "^$suchdirname$")
    # count=$(echo $list | wc -w );
    # update 19.02.2021
    case $count in
            echo "unknown directory: "$1 && return
            # could search for partial matches Doc => Documentation
            if [[ -d "${list[0]}" ]]; then
                echo "1) match: $list";
                cd "$list";
                echo "not a directory: $1";
            select directory in "${list[@]}" "/exit/";
                if [[ "$directory" = "/exit/" ]]; then
                if [[ -d "$directory" ]]; then
                    echo "multi) $directory";
                    cd "$directory";
                    echo "not a directory: "$1;

To set it up, I went through the following steps:

a) I wrote the code in a file named in ~/.local/bin/ and made it executable.
b) In the file ~/.bashrc I added the line source /location/bin/ The change to this file will only take effect after the user logs off and logs on.
c) I installed m-locate sudo pacman -S m-locate
d) I changed the file /etc/updatedb.conf created by the installation; it contains a line starting with PRUNEPATH. It specifies where not to search for the database creation. In it is regularly written e.g. /media or also /mnt. After deleting this specification, saving and a following sudo updatedb, folders are reliably found at these locations.
On p. 47 in LinuxWelt 1/2021 I found a hint for those who also want to scan USB drives. In the mentioned file there is also a line starting with PRUNEFS. In this one you have to delete usbfs. After that USB drives will also be scanned for database creation.
My thanks go to user unknown from :clap:
This hint is published by me on the following forums: (english), and

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@admin If you can better my layout, please do!

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