My panel popped the red update notice icon sometime around midnight 5/13, and when I ran Add/Remove Software it showed a long list of apps and related files to update. Ran it in background and then rebooted. Now the panel’s all messed up due to being stuffed with CPU core speeds (I guess a widget update went nuts). I couldn’t remove them until removing the clock to show the left-most. That let me Unlock and delete that one, then each of the others in turn. Murphy’s Law presumably has an item about midnight malfunctions.
Next a notification popped that there’s a new kernel and I should upgrade. I’m running 6.6.30-2 LTS. Notification Settings (below) seem to indicate that kernel Notification shouldn’t have happened (i.e. only if unsupported, only notify LTS).
Rebooted again, no change and the update Notification hasn’t reappeared.
Ahhh… what a relief!
Thank you for clearing that up so succinctly. Best of all, it appears there’s nothing more that needs to be done, and I can safely stay here in the LTS while the new kernel gets further refined until a new LTS.